Is how the critics define his work.
Discover why :
1942 – Primera Medalla de Paisaje del Salón de Otoño. Mallorca
1961 – Premio de la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Barcelona
1962 – Premio de la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Vizcaya
1966 – Premio Exposición Hogares Mundet
1981 – Premio Nacional Valentín
A progressively enriched and meticulously crafted constant of J. Freixas Cortés is the vitality of color, the essence of his pictorial material. The artist becomes fascinated by the dynamics of the factors in the canvas: color, brushstrokes, composition, luminosity. He enhances these actors until he achieves a resounding culmination of light and colour.
Daniel Giralt Miracle, 1977
What attracts us the most about this exhibition are the canvases that the painter has composed figuratively and abstractly at the same time: we are faced with a dual expression of the same subject. It’s an interesting essay on the division of the creative eye.
Le Soir, Brussels, 1958
This split in personality is instructive. We applaud this skilled painter for breaking free from the theoretical rigidity of Neo-Impressionism; for being able to maintain until the end the intelligent, clear, and sensitive vision of Sisley, different from that of Seurat or De Signac.
La Libre Belgique, Bruxelles , 1958
This obsessive concern for the atmospheric charge of the landscape has been enriched in J. Freixas Cortés by the contribution of informalist language. While the whole is not far from Post-Impressionism, each part is very close to the material and the rich concept of the informalists, particularly, to the work of Rauric.
Alberto del Castillo, 1978
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Sala Busquets (Barcelona, 1940 i 1941)
Galeria Syra (Barcelona, 1941)
Reial Monastir (Sant Cugat del Vallès, 1941)
Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid, 1942)
Salón Cano (Madrid, 1942)
Sala Busquets (Barcelona, 1944)
La Pinacoteca (Barcelona, 1945)
Exposición Nacional (Madrid, 1945)
Galerias Costa (Palma de Mallorca, 1946)
Salas Municipales de Arte (San Sebastián, 1946)
Salón Delsa (Bilbao, 1947)
Sala Rosario (Caracas, 1947)
La Pinacoteca (1948)
Exposición Nacional (Madrid, 1948)
S. B. Montmartre (Paris, 1949)
Galería de Arte Mejicano (México, 1953)
Sala Gaspar (Barcelona, 1955)
Salón Dardo (Madrid, 1956)
Salón de Arte (Bilbao, 1956)
Excma. Diputación de Barcelona (Barcelona, 1957)
Galerie Lautrec (Bruxelles, 1958)
American Club Pittersdorf (Bonn, 1958)
Galería Dintel (Santander, 1958)
Caja de Ahorros (Oviedo, 1959)
Galería Altamira (Gijón, 1959)
Caixa d’Estalvis Laietana (Mataró, 1960)
Sala Knud (Göteborg, 1960)
La Pinacoteca (Barcelona, 1962)
Grifé i Escoda (Barcelona, 1962)
Exposición Nacional (Madrid, 1962)
Cercle Maillol (Barcelona, 1964)
Saló de Maig (Barcelona, 1966 i 1967)
Independent Artist Gallery (New York, 1967)
Saló de Maig (Barcelona, 1969)
Diputació Provincial (Alacant, 1972)
Distinguidos pintores españoles (Japón, 1972)
Sala Nonell (Barcelona, 1974 i 1975)
La Pinacoteca (Barcelona, 1975)
Exposición Nacional (Madrid, 1975)
Fondation Herbert d’Uckermann (Grenoble, 1976)
Fons Internacional de la Pintura (Barcelona, 1976)
Mitre Gallery (Barcelona, 1976)
Saló de Maig (Reus, 1976)
Galeria d’Art Anquin’s (Reus, 1976)
Sala Navarro (Barcelona, 1977)
Sala Grand Hotel (Saint Etienne, 1977)
Sala de Arte de la Torre Nueva. Maestros Catalanes Contemporáneos (Zaragoza, 1977)
Fons Internacional de la Pintura (Barcelona, 1977)
Mitre Gallery (Barcelona, 1977)
Saló de Maig (Reus, 1977 i 1978)
Sala Navarro (Barcelona, 1978)
The Art Gallery at the Spanish National Tourist Office. (New York, 1979)
Caixa de Pensions i Estalvis de Tiana (Tiana, Barcelona, 1980)
Caixa d’Estalvis Laietana (Mataró, 1980)
Sala Dalmau (Barcelona, 1981)
Caixa de Barcelona (Barcelona, 1985)
Bertran Diagonal, (Barcelona, 1987)
Casal de Tiana, (Tiana, 2001)
Ateneu Caixa Laietana, (Matarô, 2004)
Casal de Tiana, (Tiana, 2004)
Caja Madrid, (Barcelona, 2004)
Fundaciô Privada Joaquim Busquets, (Sabadell, 2005)
Casal de Tiana (Tiana, 2017)
Museu Deu (El Vendrell, 2023)